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March 04, 2003 - 08:07

Happy Entry Today

OK, so one month ago, I declared war on my waistline. I certainly don't want it to go away, because that would cause some difficulties in things I enjoy, but it would be nice to see less of it.

So I've been pretty good for the most part. I've exercised regularly, be it heavy fighting, rapier fighting or riding the stationary bike. On the bike my current per-ride goal is 80 minutes riding with at least 65 minutes in my target zone (over 140 below keelilng over and dying). Haven't started with the weights or heavy bag yet.

Diet wise, I've been almost completely good. For the most part I've stayed away from beer and wings, although last night I had plenty of both. Diet soda only, lots of water, some gatorade and the occasional sugar-free Red Bull. For food, portion control has been key, as well as avoiding the baddies such as processed sugar, fried foods and empty calories.

Lunch has typically been some sort of salad, one of those good-for-you subway subs or the least bad thing on the menu. For example at uno's I got their teriyaki salmon, and at Red Robin I got there ensalada chicken, which is 2 grilled boneless skinless chicken breasts with a salad. By now I usually only eat one of the chicken breasts.

So anyways there have been lots of indications that I've been getting healthier and more fit. For one, my heavy body armor, piece of crap that it is, fits much better. There isn't any little bubble of fat seeping out the front to get wacked. Also, my overall stamina is much higher, so fighting is much more fun and I'm fighting for longer.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't get on a scale for a month. That I would just do my thing, and then see how it all worked out. So this morning I get on the scale, and it comes up to 162 pounds. That means I've lost 13 pounds in the last month. Goody goodies tell you that you shouldn't lose more than 3 or 6 pounds a month, but screw them. I've made some pretty radical life style changes, there should be some profound results. So I'm down with this.

Thanks to everyone who has been helping me with this. Especially Greg, Susan and Jen who came over Saturday night and had ice cream and brownies. While this may not sound helpful, it actually was cool to be able to say no, I don't want any. Not that I've ever really suffered from having a sweet tooth.

Well, cya next time.


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