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June 24, 2003 - 12:47

Broken Monkey

Well. Shit.

It isn't often that things end up being worse than I expect when I go to the doctors. Between being fairly well educated in medical things, and having a naturally pessemistic outlook on things, I usually have a solid understanding of what is going on.

So when the bone doctor broke the news to me that I would, in all probability, have to have knee surgery, I was somewhat surprised. We're still waiting for an MRI, and a follow up, but he left little doubt that I would at some point have to decide what to do.

A miniscus tear is painful, and can limit movement somewhat, but isn't life threatening so I can decide when to have the operation. I'm thinking after Pennsic (no fighting, but I'll still be able to walk), and after the costal cruising lesson (being on a boat with an splinted knee MUST suck).

Afterwords, if they repair it (they won't know til they go in), I'll have 2-3 months more downtime. If I've managed to really f@ck it up, then they'll just yank it, and I'll end up out for just 2-3 weeks, but minus a key part of the cusioning system for the knee.

Ain't life a bitch.

Crippled Cynny

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