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Monday, July 30, 2001 -

Taking an odd turn for my diary today, I'll actually talk about something I did this weekend.

My buddy Phil turned 30 on Saturday, and all his friends flocked to mock him. No doubt about no old joke was sacred as we showered him with love and insensitivity.

Phil is in good with my parents, so they got an invite to the party. Everything started off innocently enough. I brought my cricket stuff, and a slightly americanized version of cricket was played on Phil's large front lawn. My parents showed up just in time to join in the crab feast that occured after the cricket game broke for tea.

Shortly after the last crab, the cricket game was back on, this time with my father playing. Everything was going well, when the old man took one poor bowler deep. Americans would cry out "Boo-ya!", while the English would clap politely. As it was, we all just made fun of the bowler.

It got dark, so we had to abandon one game for another. That's right sports fans, it was Asshole time. Now for those of you who don't know how to play asshole, basically, you cut and the pecking order is created. You can tell anyone below you to drink for any reason, with the understanding that eventually you will be below them. I drew a solid King on the cut, and was declared 'president'.

Sitting directly across from me, in the position of treasurer, was my father. That was right, in the true spirit of the american male bonding, my father and I played a drinking game together. It didn't last long of course, these things never do. He could only stay for the first round, but that was long enough for this exchange:

Me: Dad, drink for spawning me.

Dad: I've been drinking your entire life for that, so OK!

Dad: Mike (ed: My brother), drink.

Mom: *Issues Dad stern disapproving look*.

Mike: Guzzle, guzzle, guzzle.

Yes, it was a good weekend. I was barely able to move on Sunday, seems cricket uses muscles that Americans fail to develop. But I was able to lay very still, content in the knowledge that Asshole had brought my family closer together.

i'm out

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