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August 27, 2001 -

Name: Kenny; Loud Obnoxious Bar Monkey

Occupation: Loud Obnoxious Bar Monkey; Network Engineer

Favourite Political figure: Ronald Reagan. The day Reagan bombed Tripoli, my father was just waking up. My Mom said "Well, Reagan finally did it." My father sits bolt upright in bed, completely pale and says "Did what?". I figure if he scared my father, then everyone else in the world must of been scared shitless. I like the "I'm old, and I can still lay waste to your entire country, so don't piss me off" mentality.

Favourite Dead Celebrity: Anyone famous that died at 27.

Favourite Living Celebrity: I really hate people as a set, and celebrities are no better, but if I had to pick one...........Kevin Smith. I've given him more money than any other celebrity. I've seen all of his movies, and I've seen a couple in theatre.

Current Song Obsession (you know, the one you put on repeat and play over and over and OVER again): My Hero's Have Always Been Cowboys, Willie Nelson. I have no way to justify that, other than to say that's just the way it is.

Political Leanings: Libertarian...with a more liberal leaning when it comes to environmental protection. Basically, "leave me the fuck alone."

Stance on the Middle East: If Maggie and I can be nice to each other, there's no reason that 2000 year old enemies can't get along either.

Favourite Restaurant Food: Fried Dumplings..mmmmmmm

Favourite Food You Make Yourself: Soy Sauce Chicken

Current Fashion Statement: Guy's aren't allowed to make fasion statements. They're really limited to fasion mumbles. Mine mumbles something about I'm comfortable and if you keep bugging me I'll go all Ronald Reagan on you.

Favourite Expletive: Fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck!

Favourite Exclamation That Doesn't Use Words You Can't Say on Television: MERF

Favourite Fuzzy Cute Thing: Izzy, my Siberian husky.

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